Hello fellow bloggers and blog-readers. I am so excited to share this writing opportunity with you all! I think that the one thing that has been the greatest part about blogging has been hearing what you all have to say about kids and education, and learning from each other. Also, our field can be somewhat isolating, so it is always good to hear about PRACTICAL things others are doing. So for all you aspiring writers, I encourage you to submit something!
Call for Stories–Kaplan Publishing
Kaplan Publishing is launching a new series of nonfiction books that share the stories behind the issues, experiences and relationships teachers encounter on the job.
Entertaining and educational, inspirational and practical, each book will feature 20-25 true stories written by teachers throughout K-12 at all stages of their career about their day to day lives.
We are now accepting stories for the first three books in the series on the following topics:
The Teachable Moment: The moment when you reach one of your students and the light goes on in their eyes.
Stress in the Classroom: Those moments when you’re at the end of your rope or facing one of the frustrations every teacher feels in their career. These stories would be not just a place to vent, but also a place to pass on how you cope with stress at work.
Diversity in the Classroom: Not just issues of color or religion, but of financial circumstances and any cultural difference that are sometimes difficult moments to teach.
Below are some guidelines from the publisher:
In order to be considered for publication you need to:
1. email teachers.voices@gmail.com
2. Submit a specific, focused topic
3. Upon approval of the topic, you’ll be instructed on how to submit your story–4-5 pages at approximately 350 words per page.
The best submissions we have received have been the ones that are focused on a single event or single theme, and are written like a story, as opposed to an essay. This is your story; we want it to be interesting and inspiring…..like fiction but TRUE and about you. There will be a honorarium paid for any story chosen to appear in the series.
Submission of ideas is due by December 31st, so go forth and submit! Share your wealth of knowledge! Tell ’em the School Psychologist sent you.
Deadline has been extended to Dec 15th! Contact me if you still want to submit something!