Hello my fellow tweety birds! I loved my first twitter contest (@studentsgrow) because I got to read why all y’all NEEEEEEEDED to win the School Psychologist Basket o’ Survival. I wish I had a basket for everyone, you folks need it! Loved seeing what posts resonated with you all as well. My fav shout out was from Krista:
She recently tweeted she loved getting packages, so her wish has been fulfilled (as soon as I can wrangle a newly walking Baby B and get to the post office, of course)! Kassandra, private message me on Twitter with your address so I can get you your prize!
All non-Kassandras, don’t cry. Mama will be doing another giveaway for my 5 Year Blogaversary in October. And fret not, twitter-phobes, you won’t have to join to enter in this one. 🙂
I practically feel like a celebrity having my name in your post! :op
Anyways, I'm not sure if you've heard the Back to School episode on This American Life, but it was pretty interesting.