Thriving School Psych Thriving Students

The 3 Secrets School Psychologists can use to Practice Self-Care – with Nataly Kogan

You guys. I’m totally fan girling out here. I got to chat with Nataly Kogan, CEO of about self care FOR SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS in my Coffee Chat this month! My coffee chats are usually 10 minutes long, but I needed a DOUBLE SHOT of this awesome speaker.

If you don’t know Nataly yet, she is an entrepreneur, speaker, and author on a mission to help millions of people cultivate their happier skills by making simple, scientifically backed practices part of their daily life. She just published a book, Happier Now: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Embrace Everyday Moments (even the difficult ones) and I read it in one sitting.

As many of you may know, in my Thriving School Psychologist Collective online professional development course, I help school psychologists use scientifically-based practices to cope with stress, find more happiness and satisfaction in their work, and prevent burnout. In my research for developing the course, I found Nataly’s work and LOVE LOVE LOVE the practical lens she brings to becoming happier in relationships, at home AND at work.

Without further ado, I offer up this Coffee Break School Psychology interview with Nataly, in which she reveals to us school psychologists three easy practices we can do for self-care (even when we are piled under paperwork that weighs more than the kids we are working with and we don’t feel like we have the time!).

As an added bonus, listen to the end to learn about how school psychologists who are a part of the Thriving School Psychologist and Notes from the School Psychologist Blog family can get a crazy amazing discount on her online course, 21-Day Happier Challenge. I did the challenge and it was so inspiring! You may have seen a flurry of Mindfulness videos from me recently? Yeah, those were inspired by Nataly’s work and her new book. Told you. Fangirl.

Many many thanks to Nataly for taking time to chat with us school psychologists, who care so much for our students that we can neglect the very self-care we need to be there for our students.

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