Thriving School Psych Thriving Students

Summer doesn’t have to be the only time school psychs get to have a life!

Watch this video to learn 3 Simple Summer Secrets to Go Back-to-School Ready, Relaxed, and Organized!

Hey school psychologist friends! It’s Rebecca from Notes from the School Psychologist blog and Thriving School Psych. How are you guys doing? It’s summer, and I have had the most incredible day so far…and I know all of you are enjoying your summer too!

Now, I’m here to tell you that summer does not have to be the only time that you relax and get to have a life, right?

So today I went to the gym…I had a little coffee…and later I’m meeting a friend at the pool. My “babies” are at camp, so I have all this great down time, and I’m just in this amazing mindset. So, I was thinking this morning, after I finished up at the gym, like why can’t I have this mindset and this cool kind of summer vibe all year round, right? And so this almost seems unfathomable, right? Like, oh yeah, we can just, you know, leave our IEP meetings and go to the pool! Obviously, we can’t do that, but is there something we can do that keeps this summer mindset going, where we can go into the school year rested, relaxed and enjoying life.

Like the great poet Rihanna says, “Live your life,” right? 🙂

So, what I’ve done for you guys is I’ve created a three-video series. It’s a miniseries, and it’ll take you less than an hour to go through it. Take a couple minutes out of your summer and learn the three summer secrets to taking that relaxed summer life with you into the school year, right?

I don’t want you guys to see a back-to-school ad from Target and be like, “Oh my, NOOOOO! It’s too soon!” I want you to see it and be excited!

So I have three secrets that I’m going to share with you about how you can bring your cool summer vibe into your school year and get yourself ready for back to school, so you’ll be rested and hitting the ground relaxed, not running.

So, I encourage you guys to sign up for this summer miniseries, and I will see you there! We’re going to have some fun together, and have a great rest of your summer break, and I will see you guys in the miniseries! Take care guys!


Don’t delay! This video mini-training is Free ONLY for the month of July so that you can go back to school relaxed, ready, organized, and excited!

The videos are completely on-demand, meaning once you sign up, you can watch them whenever it’s most convenient for you!

Click here to get instant access!

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