During this unprecedented and challenging time of the Coronavirus outbreak, there are so many “what ifs” and scary unknowns out there.
Ambiguity and the flood of minute-by-minute changing information can be unsettling and dysregulating to say the least.
I’m here for you.
This is likely one of many posts on self-care for school psychologists during this unsettling time. And behind the scenes, I’m creating brand new resources for you and the families and kiddos you serve, so make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to get all the latest supports (on desktop–right hand toolbar, on mobile, scroll down past last blog).
The first video in this series is a strategy to deal with all the scary “what ifs,” some research on the link between self-care and immunity, and an answer to one of the questions I’ve been receiving about what work tasks we can still do at home during social distancing.
And it has a cameo from my dog, Misty, because we could all use an emotional support animal right now, right???
Update: This morning, I met online with members of the Thriving School Psychologist Collective online course and community for our regularly scheduled Zoom call today (which, appropriately, was actually already planned on creating self-care action plans from our recent module on burnout prevention and self-care!).
We used part of our time to generate ideas on what supports school psychologists in the larger community might need during this time. My TSP friends said they have been seeing peers post in forums that they want to use some of their social distancing time to learn new school psych-related topics through online trainings. Here is a preliminary list of school-psych specific resources we generated:
Free and Low-Cost School-Psych Specific Trainings:
–Rebecca’s Coffee Break School Psychology (FREE)
–Rebecca’s March (School Psych) Madness Training (FREE)
–School Psyched Podcast (FREE)
–Rebecca’s NASP-approved Science of Happiness Course (Over 50% off)
–Schoolpsych.com webinar on Telehealth ($25)
-NASP has discounted CPD by 50% in their Online Learning Center.
-All NASP podcasts are available now for members and non-members.
And stay tuned for an important announcement about a special enrollment option for a spring cohort for the Thriving School Psychologist Collective course. Many of you have been emailing to see if you can take the course now during this window of time where you have a chunk of time to do so. I am working on making this happen for you! If you head to the website and scroll almost all the way down and click on the orange button that reads “Sign Up for the Waitlist,” I will let you know when this special cohort is open.
And a final reminder, y’all…I know we are all helpers. We care deeply about the students and schools we serve. We also need to give ourselves the advice we’d likely give everyone else about self-care.
Make sure that your own self-care needs are at the top of your to-do list.
We are in this together, and we will get through this together.