Hey School Psychologist friends! Are you interested in building up your social emotional learning (SEL) programs in your schools? Do you wish you could find SEL programs that are research-based and also culturally responsive to diverse populations?
Then grab a cup of coffee and meet Dr. Byron McClure, a school psychologist and advocate for culturally-relevant SEL. In this 25-minute chat, I sit down with Byron to talk about three practical ideas to help school psychologists develop and enhance SEL programs.
If you’re short on time, hop to the following timestamps:
(Oh, and just pretend that we don’t get interrupted 578937584 times. Though honestly, it’s kind of representative of #schoolpsychlife. We strive to be authentic here at the Thriving School Psychologist. 🤣)
1:42: I introduce Byron McClure, school psychologist and advocate for culturally-relevant SEL programs.
3:16: Byron talks about the clinical psychology project that inspired him to become a school psychologist.
5:25: I talk about school psychologists’ critical role in prevention and early intervention efforts.
6:50: Byron shares his first tip: A key resource to help school psychologists build a plan for your school that supports SEL.
8:02: Technical difficulties…Byron is so popular that his cell phone blows up with alerts…so I share my experience with the resource he recommended in his first tip. 🙂
8:52: Bryon talks about the benefits of using the tools from www.CASEL.org.
11:00: I ask Bryon about how school psychologists can select and use SEL tools that are culturally relevant to different student populations.
11:20: Byron shares his 2nd tip by sharing how he went about finding culturally sensitive curriculum and what he discovered in the process.
12:30: Bryon talks about finding the RIGHT curriculum for your students’ demographic.
14:30: I highlight the questions that school psychologists need to ask themselves when looking for SEL curriculum.
15:30: Byron shouts out his favorite culturally sensitive curriculum.
17:45: I ask Bryon about how he gets creative with SEL curriculum to make it fit his school’s specific needs.
18:20: Byron shares his 3rd tip about getting creative with SEL using a powerful example of how he went about successfully integrating SEL into his schools.
20:55: I talk about the benefits of engaging students in the process of evolving the SEL curriculum to meet their unique needs.
23:14: Byron shares where school psychs can find him and his SEL resources (Twitter: @schoolpsychlife, Lessons for SEL: www.lessonsforsel.com).
Many thanks to Byron for this inspiring Coffee Chat!
Dr. Rebecca Branstetter is a school psychologist, speaker, and author on a mission to help public school psychologists manage their stress, improve their efficacy and enjoyment in their work, and prevent getting burned out so they can focus on what they love to do—being champions for helping children be the best they can be in school and in life and supporting educators and families. Learn more about Dr. Rebecca Branstetter’s Thriving School Psychologist Collective online professional learning community and resources just for school psychologists at www.thrivingschoolpsych.com.
Thank you !
Thank you so much for sharing the resources you do. SEL is a big topic right now and having some more info and sources is very helpful.