We all know things get crazy in the spring for school psychologists. While “March Madness” usually conjures up images of basketball for most people, for us school psychs, March Madness is something waaaaay different.
In March, we start to get 8 hojillion assessment referrals and we find ourselves going crazy trying to keep on top of it all until the lonnnnnnng stretch to summer break.
You may have a hard time changing your crazy caseload, but you can take 4 steps to change your mindset and behavior to make it all more manageable.
Sign up below to receive one email a week in the month of March with pro-tips in quick videos and a PDF of all the techniques to use to keep ahead of the game! (sooooo many basketball puns…just embrace it!)
CLICK HERE to sign up to learn the FINAL FOUR strategies for surviving the spring! (I CANNOT STOP THE PUNS).
See this year’s matchups below…and if you got the PDFs last year, you can still sign up because now there’s snazzy videos too!
Sign up now by clicking here…this training is only available in March!