If you can locate your school psychologist today, as s/he probably has several school from which s/he flits back and forth, do take a moment to recognize that it’s…
*party blowers go off, a few balloons fall from ceiling*
Just like last year, I totally spaced it out until today, Friday. I even had a reminder this year from Tracy, a reader who sent me virtual flowers.
On the heels of week in which I had Tuesday off and missed a whole day of seeing kids, I had an “advocate” at a meeting try to argue with me about whether or not I should be using the term “Dyslexia” or “Learning Disability,” misquoting the Educational Code in a rage,* tried to test a kid three times and he was absent, and all around derailment of plans, I really appreciated my V-flowers.
Now I realize this is BAD PR for School Psychology Awareness week to describe all the derailment, so go on and read a warm fuzzy post. There are days in which it’s all worth it. I promise.
*They’re the same thing, different lexicon. Simmer down, lady.