Are you ready? I have a BIG announcement!!!!
ALRIGHT, here it is! It feels like I’m announcing a new baby.
Over the past few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about social-emotional learning (SEL) and how school psychologists can support students with additional needs.
And the more I thought about how to teach SEL, I kept coming back to a big question:
Is “doing SEL” in the 4 walls of a school building enough for kids with additional needs?
(And…more recently, what about now, with kids not being able to be at school AT ALL?)
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all the infusion of SEL in the curriculum, folding it into the culture of a school, and the expansion of our roles as school psychologists into direct SEL work. SO. IMPORTANT.
But there was always one piece missing for me…
That missing piece was equipping and supporting the parents to support SEL with their children at home.
School psychologists are so well-positioned to be parent allies, support coaches, and consultants, so how can we teach parents to sprinkle SEL in their everyday lives at home to teach their kiddos social, emotional, and executive functioning skills?
OKAY FINALLY…So here it is….the announcement [drumroll please]
The “Make It Stick Parenting Course” (for making SEL stick at home) is officially open for enrollment today! (with a limited time introductory special rate to get started).
So here’s the scoop:
I’ve geeked out with my friend and colleague, Elizabeth Sautter, of Make Social Learning Stick to bring this course to life. As my co-creator, you will be seeing more of her, I’m sure!
To kick it all off, we created a brand new FREE webinar filled with practical ideas that parents need right now, called:
I bet you know some parents who would appreciate some practical tools for helping their children with self-regulation and coping skills!
Parents who sign up also get a brand new FREE SURVIVAL KIT download for Social-Emotional Learning they can use right now (and build SEL skills for the future).

Feel free to share the free webinar with your parent community, and watch it yourself to get some consultation tips.
(And hey, if you’re like me, and you’re a school psych AND a parent–double down on that learning and get some tips for your own kiddos!)
Register now and share this link!
Come meet our new “baby”…we can’t wait to show it off!
Take care,
Rebecca (and Elizabeth of Make Social Learning Stick)
p.s. I’ve made it super easy to share with the families you serve…click here for two sample blurbs–one casual, one “newsletter-y” and a few images you can share in your newsletters, websites, or in your social media. I am so excited to be able to partner with parents (virtually!) to give some comfort, support, and practical tools. Thanks for helping spread the word!