Thriving School Psych Thriving Students

Girls will be Girls

I’ve done it. I’ve overcome my fear of YouTube* and recorded a Podcast.

It took a special topic to get me from blogging to vlogging or whatever the cool kids call it. Please check out my appearance on The Urban Monk podcast talking about my new book, The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls. Having two girls myself, I delved into the research on how to raise a confident girl and here’s a few of the topics we got into:

-Nature vs Nurture

-How I was a perfect parent before I had children

-Gender stereotypes that make their way into your toy box and vocabulary

-How to parent with intention and mindfulness

-The difference between attending to your child’s feelings and indulging your child

-How to teach your daughter media literacy

So sit back and enjoy my debut of “Girls will be Girls”!


*The technology! The Internet trolls! The outfit! The not being able to plan out exactly what I want to say, like I do on my blog! It’s a big step for me, but like I tell my students, trying something new is good for you! 😉

Sharing is caring!

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