Thriving School Psych Thriving Students

Educators: Want to be published and fancy???

Hi Educators and fabulous blog-readers!

A while back, I mentioned that I was editing a book called “The Teachable Moment” and sent out a call for stories. For a while, I even had a fancy Amazon link to the book from this blog. Then, the economy tanked and they put the book on hold. Boo.

But you know, me, I’m all about the silver lining, so the good news is now I can extend the deadline to September 30th, 2009 for getting new stories to add to the anthology! You should write something! Here are the deets:

“The Teachable Moment” is one book in a series that Kaplan Publishing is starting on books for teachers by teachers. It is a compilation of about 20-25 stories from the field about certain themes. My theme is the Teachable Moment, which is that moment when a kid finally “gets it” or has that “aha!” moment. It doesn’t have to be all “Carpe Diem!” and the kids all stand on chairs to salute your greatness as a teacher, it can be a tiny, special moment when you make that connection with a student. It’s more of a story we educators would tell each other, rather than an essay on teaching. It can be funny, serious, or a bit of both.

If you’re interested, submit a 4-5 page story in a word document to my email ( There is some money in it for you too (in addition to being fancy and published!) but I’m not sure the exact amount. If you have a good teachable moment story, but you aren’t sure if it would be good for the book, you are welcome to submit a story idea and I can help shape it into a story with you.

I mean really, what else are you going to do in these last few weeks before school starts again? Rest? Recover? Recharge? Nah, you should always REFLECT on your REFLECTION. That is what we do.

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Comments on Educators: Want to be published and fancy???

  1. Rebecca says:


    Sure, I already have one author with a pseudonym. You will need to give your real name to the publisher for the contract and payment, but you can ask to remain anonymous for the story. Feel free to email me at to chat more about the process!

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