This week is National School Psychologist Awareness Week! Surprisingly, I haven’t heard one salutation, no flowers, no candy, no cards, nothing. Why? Because I forgot…
Read MoreCh-Ch-Changes!
Who wants to try an experiment about change? Don’t all raise your hands at once! Here’s the experiment: Before reading this post, change one thing…
Read MoreProcrastination
Dr. Bell: My name is Dr. Bell. And I’m a recovering procrastinator. Imaginary Crowd: Hi Dr. Bell! I used to procrastinate. Big time. It started…
Read More"Kid Problems"
I once went on a blind date in which I was asked the following question about my job as a school psychologist: “So, what’s your…
Read MoreSpecial Ed Lady
School Psychologists have many roles to play in the schools. On any given day, we are counselors, advisors, consultants, program developers, observers, yard duty stand-ins,…
Read MoreMean Girls
So after the last post you all went out right away and got Mean Girls and have watched it, right? Well in case you didn’t,…
Read MoreLost in Translation
Generational differences have been on my mind lately because in my job, I deal with it all the time. The classic scenario is a parent…
Read MorePsychologist vs. Puppy
We got a puppy. You know what’s a lot of work? Puppies. My fiancé and I have been following this puppy around, armed with my…
Read MoreTeacher Vs. Student
Aha. After many painful hours of searching YouTube for awful teacher-student interactions, I found a clip to illustrate how I might do an observation and…
Read MoreObservations
One of the jobs of a school psychologist is to go into the classroom and observe students who are having difficulties. It is one of…
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