Thriving School Psych Thriving Students

3 Resources for National School Psychology Week 2020!

The Power of Possibility: National School Psychology Week 2020!

On November 9-13th, 2020 we celebrate school psychologists and the hard work we do for our students, families, and school communities!

It's officially OUR holiday week, y'all! And this year, there's a bit of a change that I have to acknowledge...

We've changed the name from "School Psychologist Awareness Week" (SPAW) to "National School Psychologist Week" (NSPW).

Hurray! We have moved beyond just awareness of our profession existing! šŸŽ‰

But wait...I really loved the acronym SPAW for two reasons:

  1. I could say "SPAW week" as if I were going to a Spa for the whole week to celebrate, and that was a nice fantasy.
  2. I've always loved to screech the acronym like a crow: SPAW! SPAW! This will be a huge loss for me.

The good news? During this transition year, we all haveĀ  full permission from the Executive Director of @nasponline to continue crowing "SPAW! SPAW!" PHEW. šŸ¤£


Three Resources for School Psychologists for National School Psychology Weeek 2020

This year's theme is "The Power of Possibility."

I know many school psychs immediately thought about the power of their STUDENTS.

This week, I also invite you to think about the power of YOUR possibilities as a school psychologist!

We have so much potential to have a huge impact in the world as school psychologists...but we can't do it if we're on the brink of burnout.

When we thrive, our students thrive too!

So here's three resources curated just for you to tap into your power as a school psychologist by educating others, advocating for the profession, and reflecting on our own practices in the career.

1) Connecting to Our Power

To kick of the week, I'll be sharing the 4 most common burnout traps that school psychologists fall into (and my favorite pro-tip for getting out of them!).

Join me on my Facebook page Live every afternoon of #SPAW2020 to learn how to tap into YOUR power and potential as a school psychologist!

Monday 11/9 at 2pm PDT: Kick off video with special announcement about a MEGA THRIVING KIT contest!

Tuesday 11/9 at 2pm PDT: Tips for Organization

Wednesday 11/10 at 2pm PDT: Tips on Expanding Your Role Beyond Testing

Thursday 11/11 at 2pm PDT: Tips on How to Connect with Other School Psychs

Friday 11/12 at 5pm PDT: Tips on Burnout Prevention & Self-Care

Like and follow and join me!

Did I mention there WILL be prizes? Oh yes, there WILL be prizes.

2) Free Powerpoint on What We Do (and Why We Need Reasonable Caseloads to Support our Students!)Ā Ā 

A few years ago, my team of Thriving School Psychologists crowd-sourced and created a slidedeck showcasing all we can do (beyond testing!)

Helping Students Thrive By Supporting School Psychologists can be downloaded by clicking here.

Feel free to adapt and use as an advocacy tool for lower caseloads and an expanded role beyond testing!

3) Take a Deeper Thrive

Who here wants to move beyond SURVIVING as a school psychologist into THRIVING???

If you loved my first book, The School Psychologist's Survival Guide, treat yo self to the sequel for National School Psychology Week (aka #SPAW2020)!

The just released Thriving School Psychologist book is full of stories of REAL LIVE SCHOOL PSYCHS who:

-Escaped the drudgery of bringing home reports every weekend so they could enjoy their down time, guilt free.

-Made systems-level changes in the schools and freed themselves from being testing machines to expanding their roles for more impact with their students.

-Went from being isolated, burned out, and disenchanted to excited to show up for work again.

Grab your ebook or paperback copy here to get inspired for this year's theme for #SPAW2020--the Power of Possibility -- and tap into YOUR power and possibility as a school psych.


School psychologists' work is SO important. You are on the front lines of helping kids cope with trauma, helping parents and educators with their stress, and providing much needed mental health and learning supports to students... ...and you're doing it all in a freakin' global pandemic and nationwide unrest.

Y'all are heros.

Don't forget to take care of yourself...this career is a marathon, not a sprint!

This book can help you with PRACTICAL ways to prevent burnout. I'm not just talking about Self Care Sunday stuff here...but the research on the science of wellness and the application of it ON THE JOB in your daily life as a school psych.

Need a shot of positivity and hope right about now? I'd be honored if you got yourself your very own copy!

I'd be DELIGHTED if you started a school psych book club support group too. We have to stick together and support one another during these crazy times...and reading this book could be an important first step to avoiding burnout.

When we thrive and tap into our power of possibility, we are able to help our students thrive and tap into theirs!


Here's the link to Amazon (and you can get the ebook or paperback now!):

Ready to Thrive so Your Students Thrive Too?

Sharing is caring!

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