Every morning, I am greeted at my office by graffiti. I am blessed that the dead rat and ant party has moved elsewhere, but it’s…
Read MoreHappy Blogaversary to Me!
One year ago, I embarked on the journey of writing Notes from the School Psychologist. I had stories galore about working in large urban school…
Read MoreI Have a Whole Bag of Worry with my Name on It
“Worry is like a rocking chair—it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere” –Dorothy Galyean I had dinner with some graduate…
Read MoreReflecting on the Reflection of My Reflection
Anyone who has been through graduate school in psychology or education knows that the standard pedagogical practice in most classes is to reflect on what…
Read MoreWorth a Whole Post
After my last post about how movies portray urban education, Christina emailed a link to a MAD TV clip that made me laugh out loud….
Read MoreSchool’s Out for Summer
Now that my public schools are out until August, where will I get blogfodder? Where? Where? Ah yes. I will get it from my dear…
Read MoreCan Someone Tell Me Why This Chicken Soup for the Educator’s Soul Keeps Burning My Tongue?
My last week of school was this week. I had lofty goals of meeting with each of my caseload of counselees and processing the end…
Read MoreGames Pirates Play
One time, I went on a blind date with a pirate. Ha! Bet you didn’t see that coming from a blog about education. It’s true….
Read MoreFree the Kids!
I wrote a while ago about the overprotection of children. Turns out, this is a hot topic. You simply must read this article called Why…
Read MoreKids Say the Darnedest Things
Sometimes, when I tell people I work in middle schools, the listener’s face turns to that of someone smelling something bad. As one of my…
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