You're in summer mode. You're just on the verge of relaxing...
Then, you remember the stress of last year--scrambling to complete backlogs of assessments and cobbling together resources for the increasing needs of your students. And you're not even sure how to begin to prepare.
If you're worried about how to cope with the stress of school psyching in the fall, this free video mini-training series is for you.
While we can't control exactly what our caseloads in the the fall will look like, we CAN prepare for what is in our control.
We can control our prioritization, organization, and cultivate a healthy mindset about work/life balance.
My FREE video mini-training is designed to help you hit the ground relaxed, not running, this school matter what this coming school year might look like.
Learn the simple, flexible, and organized planning system that helps reduce weekend report-writing
In this video, I'm pulling back the curtain on my own organizational strategy that has been a GAME CHANGER for not taking reports home on the weekends. Whether you're a digital or analog planner fan, this strategy will help you prioritize the day in a job where everything is changing and everything is a priority!
How a Frog taught me to Focus on my priorities at work so that I now only work on reports AT WORK.
In this video, you will learn the most simple, effective way to focus on your assessment and report-writing priorities, even when you are getting bombarded all day with emails, calls, and new "to-do" items. Learn what you are doing that is creating more work for you in the long run and how to stop it, using a FROG. :)
Secrets of Self Care for School Psychologist
Self care is just not about bubble baths and going to get a massage (though I will go on record that I am PRO massage!). In this training, I will share with you 3 things that the science of happiness can teach us school psychologists about how to practice self care when we feel that we don't have time.
Break free from being a Testing Machine...
Learn the 4 Pillars of a Thriving School Psychologist and how to move from being a "Testing Machine" to have the freedom to have more impact in your school community. Get pro-tips on how to avoid the 4 most common burnout traps so you can THRIVE as a school psychologist!
Dr. Rebecca Branstetter is a school psychologist, speaker, and author on a mission to help public school psychologists manage their stress, improve their efficacy and enjoyment in their work, and prevent getting burned out so they can focus on what they love to do—being champions for helping children be the best they can be in school and in life and supporting educators and families.
In her blog, Notes from the School Psychologist, and online professional development course for school psychologists, The Thriving School Psychologist Collective, Rebecca collaborates with school psychologists across the country to help them move from surviving in the profession to thriving.
For more, visit